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Should You Consider Making A Draft Stopper Or Buy One Ready Made?

Should You Consider Making A Draft Stopper Or Buy One Ready Made?

None of us like to think of living in a drafty environment. Isn’t it true that we often think about winter when we think about drafts, but in truth they can be annoying year-round. If you wanted a breeze all you would need to do would be to open a couple of windows and take advantage of those pleasant evening zephyrs. Until that time, if you discover a draft you should do something about it.

If you really don’t have the inclination to consider wholesale repairs to doors, door frames, window frames or whatever, maybe you should consider using a draft stopper or two instead?

Many of us do not mind undertaking some do-it-yourself projects and if this is the case you can contemplate making your own draft stopper. We discovered some instructions over at , courtesy of Debbie Colgrove for you to consider.

Making your own draft stopper requires you to have a good amount of patience and an ability to sew. You need to locate two pieces of fabric that measure approximately 8″ x 45″. This material has to be tightly woven and this is important. Get preshrinking cotton which will help you to increase the fabric’s density. Also you will need thread to bind it together and some form of insulation. You might find that sand or cat litter works well.

The first thing that you need to do is to cut the fabric that you have to the correct measurement – 8″ x 40″. You will have two layers of fabric which you should fold in half lengthwise so that they appear to form a tube. Round off the ends of the draft stopper as well. You need to use a short machine stitch and sew half-inch seams on the edges, leaving one end open. You also need to repeat this stitching using quarter seams to keep it all in place.

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When you have initially sewed the draft stopper you should turn it inside out and pour the cat litter in, but do make sure that you leave a portion clear in order to close it all off at the end. You will then need to top stitch or slip stitch the end carefully in order to prevent any leakage.

Careful application, fabrication, stitching and insertion of the insulation is important, as is a properly sealed draft stopper product. When you are comfortable with your first invention, get ready to make some more as you will undoubtedly need several for various areas around your home.

In order to create a number of draft stopper products at home you must be sure that you have a good sewing machine as well as patience to put this all together. Alternatively, you can save yourself a lot of time and effort by finding custom-made draft stopper products online. Bearing in mind that few of us have much time to spend anymore, this may well be your better option.