
Home Repair


In Which DIY Category Do You Belong?

In Which DIY Category Do You Belong?

Do It Yourself Or Doesn’t Include You

In today’s fast paced world there are all types of little home repair and maintenance projects and tasks around the house and shop that need attention. There are all types of homeowners out there too. You have those that will tackle any project to either save money or because they know how and would rather do it themselves. These are the true life DIY guys.

Then you have those that would rather pay someone to do the work either because they don’t know how to do it or they don’t have the time or the will to do it. Then you have those that do neither one. Instead they stick their head in the sand about the work that needs doing and many times it never gets done at all.

Now I fall into the first category and tackle whatever is next on the list. But I have been a contractor for many years and that sure helps the situation a lot. Plus I have went behind some of these jokers that call themselves professionals and had to fix what they messed up while they were supposedly fixing the problem.

When I do the work, then I know what has been done and how it was done. When someone else does the work you usually have no clue what they did or how they did it unless you were right there with them the whole time. That is usually not the case though.

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There is really no reason why most people can’t actually do these things themselves and save the money for other things. Plus this can add valuable experience under your belt for next time. There are all types of little DIY projects around that you can do yourself. It could be in the plumbing or electrical category or a number of others maintenance and repair issues.

Sticking doors or a 3 way switch that doesn’t work right. A toilet leak or a stopped up sink drain. The lady of the house comes complaining that she ran out of hot water before she got finished showering. Then she decides to unload a couple more problems she has noticed lately like the fan in the vent hood making this terrible and annoying noise and why do the light bulbs keep blowing so much?

There seems to be a never ending list of things that need attention around the house and hiring all these things out can get somewhat expensive. Now for some folks it is probably not a bad idea to hire someone to do the work. But for most people this just doesn’t need to be the case.

These things can be done without problems if you have the right information on hand before starting the work. This is where I can help you get the information that you need to tackle just about any job around the house to avoid having to bring someone else in to handle it for you.

You could even use this strategy to gain a few brownie points with the earlier mentioned lady of the house too. Instead of paying an electrician to come out you could fix the problem yourself and she could buy a new purse with that saved money. If you already have enough brownie points then a new drill would look good in your work cabinet.

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Below is a link to my How-To website where you can find many articles, hints, tips and other useful info and helpful links. You can find out how to do lots of things that you might not have known before.