
Home Repair

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Kick Those Pests To The Curb

Even if your home is barely furnished and modest, you can fight to get rid of the pests. If you have issues with pests, keep reading for useful tips on fixing the issues.

Use sticky traps to control brown recluse spiders. These dangerous spiders are poisonous and enjoy hiding in places that aren’t easy to get with chemicals. They do come out at night to look for something to eat. Put the traps along your walls as well as behind furniture to get them where they live.

Make sure any food is properly stored and sealed. Food scents are a big attraction to a lot of insects. You should also take out your garbage if it is full. Pests also like the smell of trash!

When you plant bushes around your house, be sure to place them no closer than one foot out from the home’s perimeter. Many insects call this brush home.Placing them too close to the house is an open invitation for pests to invade.

Mint helps you battle against mice in the home. Plant some mint outside around your home’s foundation. This will keep mice from wanting to live in. Sprinkle mint around affected areas if you have a mouse problem. This can get rid of the mice if you use fresh leaves.

Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting makes it easy for people to find your home at night and deters thieves, but it also attracts bugs. If you do prefer to have outdoor lighting running all night, pick colors that attract fewer insects, pink, pink or yellow.

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Check your plumbing area if you choose to deal with your indoor pests.Check cleared drains once a month to ensure they are free of clogs.

Cut up all the branches and the trunk to use for firewood. You can either use the firewood yourself or give it to friends. Don’t just leave the stump though.

Is your home being invaded by rodents?You should check your home’s exterior of the house to find any cracks that animals can squeeze. Fill cracks with clean scouring pads and/or place a small amount of rat poison in these passages. Mustard oil may work as a repellent too.

Prevent mosquitoes from entering your home by removing the environment that they like. Drain any place where water that’s just standing around. Mosquitoes are able to breed in areas with even the smallest amounts of water.

Mice and other rodents love to sleep in storage during the winter months.You can effectively keep these natural repellents. These repellants can help greatly in reducing rodent nuisances while still keeping the air fresh-smelling, but will stop mice from venturing into your camper or RV.

Pests should never be a part of your home. Keep this advice in mind when trying to get rid of the pests in your home. Nobody deserves living with tons of creepy crawlers when they sleep. With luck you can get on top of this issue quickly.